Our Ministries
No matter what stage of life you are in, we have a place for you at the Spencer church of Christ!

Youth Ministry
Spencer is blessed with many young people, and each one is precious! There’s something going all for youth of all ages. Pew Packers for the very young occurs each Sunday evening. There’s yearly Timothy and Tabitha classes where young men and young ladies learn to better worship and serve. There’s regular participation in Bible Bowls. The majority of our young people attend a Christian Camp each year (like Hensel Youth Camp). There are trips for spiritual enrichment, like Discipleship U.…

Local Outreach
The publication House to House / Heart to Heart is sent to over 3000 Midland families every mailing. In recent times, the church has taken advantage of special opportunities with Premier Charter School in Midland to help Junior High and High School Aged young people know more about Jesus and His church. They have held their High School graduation ceremonies at our building on two occasions. A school supply drive also was held to help financially strapped families in Midland…

Spencer seeks to be prepared to help those in need through a well-stocked clothing room and pantry. The congregation seeks to be sensitive to the material and spiritual needs of people. The church has been very involved in relief aid recently in places like Haiti and Texas that were ravaged by hurricanes.

World Video Bible School and World Bible School
DVDs and CDs of good biblical teaching are sent many places throughout the world through World Video Bible School, located in Maxwell, TX. Also, a number of our members are involved in World Bible School. Lessons are sent both through “snail mail” and digitally to help people throughout the world know Christ.

Nursing Homes & Assisted Care
Several brethren each week, including some of our young people, conduct a singing or devotional service at a couple of these facilities. Presently, some of our members help with a weekly singing on Mondays at Terrace West. On Sunday afternoons, a number are involved with a devotional service at Ashton Medical Lodge and a devotional at Hogan Park.

New Mexico Children’s Home
Spencer has supported the good work being done at this children’s home, located in Portales, NM, for a number of years. One of the ways includes many individual Christians helping the home with various food and household items throughout the year.

Men’s Prayer Breakfasts
At least once a quarter, the men of the congregation come together on a Saturday morning for breakfast and to pray. Updates are given by our elders concerning the work of the church. It is a great opportunity for fellowship!

Bear Valley Bible Institute
Spencer believes in the great need of complying with 2 Timothy 2:2 and training faithful men who can, in turn, teach others the gospel. To that end, we have entered into a partnership with Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. We send one of our preachers, Todd Storks, to Denver to teach Bible courses several times each year. Presently, we are helping train 40-60 each year through this effort. Our involvement also includes Bear Valley’s extension schools, particularly the ones…

Ladies’ Bible Classes
There are several opportunities for women to engage in serious study of the word of God and in prayer together. A regular Monday ladies class is held in the home of one of our members. There’s a ladies class on Wednesdays at 10 AM at the building and an ongoing discussion class for women every Wednesday night at 7.

Ladies’ Ministry
Where would churches be without faithful, vibrant Christian women who do so much for the Master? At Spencer, we have an excellent Ladies’ Ministry where women are involved in great works like writing notes of encouragement to the sick, bereaved and shut-in. They also prepare food for the sick and for families who’ve lost loved ones. Special Holiday Baskets have been prepared for years and given to those who would appreciate them. Our ladies are involved in works ranging from…

Bible classes from cradle roll through adult encourage all to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). In recent years, there have been special seminars on subjects like “Marriage & the Family,” “Islam” and “How We Got the Bible.”

Grace Rose Register Children’s Library
Grace Register really was our own little version of “Amazing Grace.” Grace was born with Cockayne Syndrome and went to be with Jesus in 2012 at the age of 5. In memory of this precious little one who touched so many with Christ’s love, Spencer members with the help of other interested people devoted a children’s library full of instructive and interesting religious books. Each summer when school is out, monthly reading times have been scheduled.